Economic performance

Economic Value Generated and Distributed

Below we presenent the distribution of income in different items that are
distributed impacting on stakeholders: suppliers, collaborators, providers of
capital, government and community

By 2024, this exercise will be updated through a double-impact materiality analysis which will allow the needs and those of the different interest groups to be identified, working in line with the ESG sustainability strategy.

Materiality Matrix

It serves as a visual tool to identify those material issues that are of high importance for both the business and the stakeholders that were consulted and differentiate them from issues that are unlikely to have as much impact in the short and medium term.

Material issues
Emerging themes (may be material in the short term)
Non-material issues

1.Ethics and Anti-Corruption
2.Regulatory Compliance
3.Corporate Governance
4. Economic Results
5.Credit Risk Management
6. Relationship with Authorities
7. Brand Management
8. Financial Education
9. Financial Inclusion
10. ESG Credit Assessment
11. ESG Investment Assessment
12. Culture of Prevention (safe)
13. Business Development (clients)
14. Product and Service Innovation
15. Digitization of Processes
16. Responsible Supply Chain
17. Customer Experience (Customer Service)
18. Transparency in Products and Services
19. Data Security (cybersecurity)
20. Customer Privacy (use of information)
21. Work Environment and Employee Satisfaction
22. Training and Development Opportunities
23. Diversity and equal opportunities
24. Talent Attraction and Retention
25. Health and Safety of Collaborators
26. Social Investment
27. Energy Efficiency
28. Water Management
29. Waste Management
30. Resilience of own GHG emissions
(Greenhouse gases)
32. Products and/or Services with Benefit

Therefore, we consider material issues as those that we will prioritize in our sustainability strategy, developing initiatives that allow us to reinforce our strengths in them and address opportunities for improvement.

At the same time, based on the permanent dialogue we have with interest groups, we will monitor emerging issues in case they show signs of becoming material. See chart below:

By 2024, this exercise will be updated through a double-impact materiality analysis which will allow the needs and those of the different interest groups to be identified, working in line with the ESG sustainability strategy.

Interest groups

For GF, it is vitally important to identify the different interest groups with which it has a relationship. Try to maintain constant and close communication, letting them know the main news and changes in the organization, but also to recognize their expectations or concerns that may arise.

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