Promoters of Social and Environmental Change
Ficohsa Group is committed to generating value in communities through programs that promote inclusive and sustainable growth. Establishing lines of action on ESG issues: Reduce inequalities, promote entrepreneurship, create opportunities for all through education and promoting respect and care for the environment. +USD $20 million invested in sustainable social projects over the last 11 years .

Strengthening Education Alliance For Education
This year we also had a direct impact on Basic Education in Honduras by being part of the alliance led by U.S. Ambassador Laura F. Dogu, a tripartite alliance with the participation of
USAID, the Government of Honduras and the Private Sector.
Ficohsa Foundation joined this initiative by committing to invest USD $1,000,000 in the next two years to renovate 25 basic education centers, 245 classrooms, and thus contribute to development by benefiting more than 10,500 children and youth.

During 2023 Ficohsa Foundation (FF) celebrated 25 years of achievements, which reflect the commitment to sustainable development in each of the communities where it has a regional presence. Since its inception, efforts have been channelled into various educational programmes that make a significant difference in access to quality education for children and young people.
Educating Our Future: This is the flagship program, it is successfully developed in 19 cities in 11 departments in Honduras, extending its coverage regionally in the neighboring countries of Guatemala, Nicaragua and Panama, benefiting a total of 150 schools.
150 pre-schools served at regional level
+USD $240,000 invested in snacks and school supplies
+USD $104,000 invested in 42 pre-schools for infrastructure improvements
+1.2 million food rations delivered
+7400 children benefited

Continues to strengthen its commitment to promote the
socio-economic development and competitiveness of Honduras.Promoting, guiding and financing Honduran professionals of academic excellence, wishing to pursue
postgraduate studies at the best universities abroad, and thus contribute to enriching Honduran talent.
The call for the 2023 Credit-cholarship Program closed in April, then the Academic Committee began with the work of evaluating each of the candidates. The Board of Directors, based on the evaluations and recommendations of the Academic Committee, selected 22 candidates to become the tenth generation of beneficiaries. Finally, those selected legalized the credit-scholarship and are already doing
their postgraduates in different countries around the world.
220 talented Hondurans benefited to date
+USD $6 million invested
22 countries have been host countries for the development of these
12 elds of study
+55% beneficiaries have returned to Honduras after completing their studies

Other contributions in education
Education programs: Training programs for teachers developed through the portal
and face-to-face trainings, acquisition of up-to-date teaching materials, and the promotion of innovative pedagogical practices were essential elements to enrich the educational experience of children in these centers.
Social and financial education program: Ficohsa Foundation has positively impacted more than 19,800 children through innovative programs that promote financial skills, entrepreneurship and essential social values.
More Sustainable Initiatives
- Support to innovation
- Corporate Volunteering
- Growing up with Diabetes Foundation
In 2023, the Tech4DevHN project was completed, an initiative that Ficohsa promoted as a contributing partner for 3 years (2020-2023). The objective of this program was to strengthen the entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem of Honduras through the acceleration of technological startups in the areas of health, education, security, digital transformation and fintech, as well as creating a network of entrepreneurs trained to boost their businesses.
The project had a budget of USD $2 million, thanks to its contributing partners. During the execution time, an acceleration program was developed that consisted of advanced advice for the consolidation of business models and technological products.
The advice, to promote the sustainability and scalability of the enterprise, followed three phases: conception, birth and persistence. Each of the phase was formed by training workshops and specialized mentoring to train the entrepreneur according to his needs and the maturity in which his startup was. Within this program, the tool of testing or technological validations was incorporated to obtain a greater effectiveness of the startup before its launch and consolidate future commercial links. The acceleration program is maintained through the Entrepreneurship HUB of our partner UNITEC, with the aim of continuing to be used by the entrepreneurial community of Honduras
Ficohsa Group has a corporate volunteer community made up of its collaborators and their families, who participate in social and environmental activities with a high impact in the communities at the regional level where it has a presence. Each member of the Ficohsa family becomes a champion of the people, being an ally who inspires, guides and supports others to become an agent of change to transform lives.
Corporate values define how volunteers act. Commitment drives them to be persistent in the pursuit of good. Service reminds them that their purpose goes beyond themselves, extending to the community they serve. Sustainability guides their actions towards lasting impact, building a better future for all.
GF supports this non-profit organization that was founded in 2018 as an initiative to raise awareness about diabetes in Honduras. Through the different initiatives of the Foundation, it is intended that the patient and caregivers can have relevant information that allows them to empower and have a greater commitment in their treatment and therefore a better quality of life.
- + USD $ 129,000 invested to date
- Education: 11,126 people reached
- Awareness raising and sensitization: 227,000 people reached
- Diagnosis and prevention: 959 people served
Environmental Management

As part of the environmental commitment, direct impacts and operation are managed in a responsible and sustainable manner over time. Aligned with a sustainability strategy, working with the institutional campaign”Together for a greener future”where the promotion of good practices for the care and preservation of the environment is sought, its scope includes collaborators, customers and other stakeholders.
The environmental awareness of clients is strengthened, under the socio-environmental assessment that is carried out for investment and credit projects, aligned with a vision of sustainable banking.
Different initiatives seek to reduce energy consumption and increase the number of installations with new energy efficiency technologies and use of renewable energy, thus reducing the
generation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to the atmosphere.
- Scope 1: direct consumption of the operations related to fuel or refrigerants
- Scope 2: indirect consumption related to electricity supply
- Scope 3: consumption related to goods, services purchased, as well as activities of the

- The Ecological Footprint in Honduras was reduced by 7.7%
Energy and Emissions
There are two objectives for reducing energy consumption: 1) reducing consumption compared to the operation (measured in terms of intensity), 2) increasing the use of renewable sources, including self-generation by our side through solar panels.
Currently there are 11 agencies and 2 buildings with solar farms (5,499 m2 of solar panels)
71% of clean energy consumed in these buildings
1.2 million kilowatt hours (kWh) are produced annually
549,600kg CO2 are NOT generated anually by producing solar
+ USD $59,000 invested in the farms of the 2 main buildings in the cities of Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula, in Honduras
Energy consumption was reduced by 1.27% in Honduras
Water consumption per employee was reduced by 4.10%
Paper consumption per employee was reduced by 4.71%
+770 thousand people reached through different campaigns to generate environmental awareness through the different GF platforms and channels.