Company Profile

(GRI 2-1, 2-2, 2-6, FS6)

The Group’s performance is built on principles and values based on transparency, always betting on ethics, integrity, and excellence in management that supports our organizational culture and provides confidence to our clients and other stakeholders.


To provide the most innovative financial products and services with high-quality standards and the best technology, provided by a qualified human resource; generating security and satisfaction in those who have given us their trust, always committed to being a socially responsible company.


Ficohsa will be recognized as a solid and reliable group committed to the development of the countries where we
have a presence, and where our clients will find effective, agile, and innovative financial solutions.

Estructura y Sociedad

GRUPO FINANCIERO FICOHSA, S.A. is formed as a joint-stock company, with a majority fraction of the property in the hands of Honduran capital. The registered office is in Panama City (Panama) and the operational headquarters is in Tegucigalpa (Honduras). With operations also in Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador, and the USA. We operate under an organizational structure led by Corporate Governance that promotes the efficiency and specialization of teams by service and country.

Details of the Business

Our products and services offer innovative financial solutions of the highest quality, according to the needs of both people and micro, small, medium, and large companies to achieve the loyalty and trust of our clients in the countries where we operate.

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