External Verification Report
To the stakeholders of FCOHSA FINANCIAL GROUP
The Honduran Foundation for Corporate Social Responsibility FUNDAHRSE is a private sector organization in Honduras. Created in 2004, it has a code of ethics to ensure high standards of transparency and integrity and prevent possible conflicts of interest. FUNDAHRSE, in its capacity as an external verifier, has been in charge of conducting the analysis process of the Sustainability Report 2022 of FICOHSA FINANCIAL GROUP for which a series of evaluation techniques were implemented.
Scope of the Verification
FUNDAHRSE’s main function was to provide a statement of veracity on the information contained in the Ficohsa Financial Group’s Sustainability Report 2022 in accordance with the requirements of the International Norms and Standards:
• GRI-Standard
• SASB (Sustainability Accounting Standard Board)
• Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible
In this sense, a methodology was defined following the GRI-Standards process, which included the review of the contents of this report, the basic and specific content, as well as the associated sectoral documents. The verified information is based on the operations of Ficohsa Financial Group, and the data provided by the reporting organization.
Methodology used
FUNDAHRSE verified the consistency of the information based on the principles to determine the contents of a GRI-Standards report and for this purpose, it used the verification of the relevant and pertinent documentation provided by Ficohsa Financial Group, interviews with key people for the generation of indicators, access to records of stories and testimonials, analysis of sectoral documents and sampling of the main indicators of the performance of the organization. The corresponding table is attached with the details of the methodology for the verification of the indicators.
Based on the verification work it has been concluded that the Sustainability Report 2021 of Ficohsa Financial Group has been carried out in compliance with the «in accordance» criteria with the guidelines for the elaboration of the GRI-standards Sustainability Reports and the quality standards set out above.
The following graph reflects the level of implementation of the principles established by the international criteria used. It observes the application of the principles that allow considering the Sustainability Report 2022 of Ficohsa Financial Group in compliance with the criterion of “in accordance” with GRI Standards
Level of Application of the Principles of GRI Standard Universal
It highlights the presence of the integration of Ficohsa Financial Group to the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, its alignment with ISO 26000, the SASB standards, the INDICARSE metric, and the principles of the Global Compact and Sustainable Development Goals.
• The analysis of materiality and adherence to the principles of the GRI Standards is maintained, especially of precision and verifiability.
• Compliance with the principles of accuracy and immediacy is verified by providing information for decision-making regarding impacts on stakeholders.
• Presence of due diligence on ESG issues (Environment, Society, and Governance) and its implementation of the Environmental and Social Risk Analysis System (ESRA).
Areas of improvement
• Renew actions for a new materiality process to be presented in the next Sustainability Report.
• Continue the dissemination of the strategy of the Ficohsa Financial Group in line with the Sustainable Development Goals considering the economic reactivation of the Central American region.
San Pedro Sula, 16 de mayo del 2023
Assurance Report
We have been hired by the Administration of BANCO FINANCIERO COMERCIAL HONDUREÑA S.A., to report the Environmental Footprint (main issue) which includes the carbon and ecological footprint inventory 2022, for the period from January 1 to December 31, 2022, in the form of an independent conclusion of limited safety, as to whether the Environmental Footprint elaborated by the Administration of FICOHSA is prepared in all material respects in accordance with the methodologies shared by the World Footprint Network and the criteria set out in ISO 14064-1:2018, ISO 14064-2:2019 and ISO 14064-3:2019 and the accounting and reporting principles of GHG Protocol1.
Responsibilities of the AdministrationThe Ficohsa Administration, through the Social Responsibility area, is responsible for the preparation of the 2022 Environmental Footprint, free of material deviations, in accordance with the applicable Voluntary Criteria and the information contained therein.
The Administration of BANCO FINANCIERA COMERCIAL HONDUREÑA S.A., is responsible for the design, implementation, and maintenance of relevant internal control for the preparation and presentation of the 2022 Environmental Footprint, which is free of material errors, either by fraud or error. Also, that the information is prepared in all material aspects, in accordance with the methodologies shared by the World Footprint Network and the criteria established in ISO 14064-1:2018, ISO 14064-2:2019 and ISO 14064-3:2019 and the accounting and reporting principles of the GHG Protocol.
The Ficohsa Administration is responsible for preventing and detecting fraud and identifying and ensuring that Ficohsa complies with the laws and regulations applicable to its occupations. The Ficohsa Administration is responsible for ensuring that the personnel involved in the preparation of the 2022 Environmental Footprint is properly trained, the systems are properly updated and any changes that may be made cover all significant reporting activities.
Our Responsibilities
Our responsibility is to examine the information concerning the Environmental Footprint of BANCO FINANCIERO COMERCIAL HONDUREÑA S.A., and report on it in the form of an independent conclusion of limited security based on the evidence obtained. We perform our work in accordance with the International Standard on Insurance Work (ISAE) 3000, «Assurance Work Other than Audits or Revisions of Historical Financial Information», issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IASB), such a standard requires that we plan and perform our procedures to obtain a limited level of safety as to whether the Environmental Footprint is prepared in all material aspects, in accordance with the applicable Regulatory Criteria, for the period from January 1 to December 31, 2022.
The procedures selected depend on our judgment, including the assessment of risks of material error in the Environmental Footprint, due to fraud or error.
In conducting such risk assessments, we have considered the relevant control for the preparation of the Environmental Footprint to design assurance procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing a conclusion as to the effectiveness of Ficohsa’s internal control over the preparation of that document.
Our work also includes assessing the appropriateness of the Main Issue, the suitability of the criteria used by Ficohsa in preparing the Environmental Footprint, in the circumstances of the work, evaluating the appropriateness of the methods and procedures used in the preparation of the Environmental Footprint, and the reasonableness of the estimates made by BANCO FINANCIERO COMERCIAL HONDUREÑA S.A., and evaluating the presentation in the overall presentation of the Environmental Footprint. Limited security is less than absolute security.
As part of this work, we have not performed any procedure by way of comprehensive audit, review or verification of the underlying records or other sources from which the Environmental Footprint was extracted.
Characteristics and limitations of the information regarding Ficohsa’s Environmental Footprint
The scope of the review is for data pertaining to Ficohsa’s operations in Honduras comprising January 1 to December 31, 2022.
Final values:
The final verified values are as follow:
The criteria on which the Environmental Footprint has been evaluated refer to the Voluntary Criteria.
Our conclusion is based on and subject to what is detailed in this report.
We consider that the evidence we have obtained provides a sufficient and adequate basis for our conclusion.
In our opinion, the Environmental Footprint, for the period from January 1 to December 31, 2022, of Administration of BANCO FINANCIERO COMERCIAL HONDUREÑA S.A., is prepared in all material aspects, in accordance with the principles set out in the GHG Protocol. Result of the information submitted to Ficohsa; corresponding adjustments were made to ensure the reliability of the information.
Restriction of use of our report and others
Our report should not be considered suitable for use or consideration by any of the parties wishing to acquire rights to us other than the Ficohsa Social Responsibility area, for any purpose or in any other context. Any part other than the Social Responsibility area of BANCO FINANCIERA COMERCIAL HONDUREÑA S.A., that obtains access to our report or a copy thereof and choose to rely on our report (or any part thereof) at their own risk. To the extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume any responsibility and deny any responsibility for our work to any party other than Ficohsa, for this independent limited safety report or for the conclusions we have reached.
Our report is issued to Ficohsa on the understanding that this report should not be copied, referenced, or disclosed in whole or in parts without our prior written consent.
Finally, this report does not attempt to provide, does not provide, and does not grant any certification to Ficohsa regarding ISO (International Organization for Standardization) 14064, 14040, 14044 or in respect of any other regulations related to ISO.
Valora Sostenibilidad e Innovación S.A. de CV.
Luis Miguel Villatela Riva
Legal Representative
Ciudad de México, 25 de Abril del 2023