10.2. Other Initiatives and Programs

10.2.1 Support to Innovation

Together with UNITEC, we carried out the 6th Edition of the Technological Innovation Award (PIT), in partnership with BID|Lab, Tech4DevHN, Televicentro Foundation, La Tribuna, Oracle and PBS Group; in 2022 for the first time the competition was opened to entrepreneurs from all over the Central American region, looking to discover and support young people with innovative projects that use any type of technology to generate social and business impact.

The participating categories are Startup and Prototype in the areas of: Health, Safety, Digital Transformation, Fintech and Education.

Benefits for Winners: Seed Capital, Visibility, Networking, Implementation, Corporate Bonding, Mentoring and Training.

75% more than the previous year competed, 24% female participation. 133 Prototypes, 101 Startups.

Participation by country
Summary of Winners and Finalists

12 teams qualified to the final, 5 Startup and 7 Prototype, 47% female representation, resulting winners:

First place Startup category (Fibbo App): First platform in LATAM that brings together buyers, suppliers and factors to facilitate their business transactions. Prize: USD$15,000

Second place Startup Category (Sento): Platform that analyzes calls with customers 15x faster than a human being and for 10% of the cost, visualizing points of operational improvement and consumer experience. Prize USD$15,000

First place Prototype category (Kreditame): First credit broker in Guatemala (Pronto de Centro América). Prize USD$10,000

Second place Prototype category (iSmart Comply): Platform that automates legal services for SMEs. Prize USD$3,000

Winners received seed capital from Ficohsa, PBS and Tech4DevHN.

Other Activities

17 community events involving more than 870 people: These include lectures at universities and entrepreneurship hubs, venture capital panel and 4 workshops taught by Oracle (Storytelling, Technologies 4.0, Cybersecurity and Metaverso).

In 2022, the third edition of the advanced training and advisory program for the consolidation of business models and technological products was carried out. Within the Tech4DevHN Acceleration Program, the execution of a training plan is contemplated as a fundamental part of the development, accompanied, and guided by technology-based startups through di erent accompanying methodologies.

Activities and Reach
  • 18 projects on Research, Development, and Innovation (R&D&I) were registered in the acceleration program and 15 Startup, 33 in total.
  • 13 projects led by women and 20 led by men were identi ed. Technological medical booths from the Bitmec Startup were installed at the Por Salud branches.
  • +1800 participants in training, mentoring or meetups on entrepreneurship issues, totaling +170 hours.
  • Acceleration Program: 21 workshops for all phases of the program.
  • Conception: 14 participating startups (20 training hours), birth:15 participating startups (11 training hours), persistence: 4 participating startups (6 training hours).


We continue to strengthen our commitment to boost Honduras’ socio-economic development and competitiveness. We promote, guide and finance Honduran professionals of academic excellence, wishing to pursue postgraduate studies in the best universities abroad, and thus contribute to enriching Honduran talent.

In 2022 the call for the Credit-Scholarship Program received 62 applications, of which 55 applications went to the evaluation stage. Later the Academic Committee began with the evaluation work of each of the candidates. La Junta Directiva, en base a las evaluaciones y recomendaciones del Comité Académico seleccionó a 33 candidatos para que se convirtieran en la Séptima Generación de Beneficiarios. Finalmente, 25 seleccionados legalizaron el crédito-beca y ya se encuentran realizando sus posgrados en distintos países alrededor del mundo.

To date, HonduFuturo has benefited 192 talented Hondurans, in 23 countries and 11 areas of study, representing an investment in postgraduate education of more than USD$5.3 million.

Also, through the Labor Intermediation Program (PIL), the 85 beneficiaries who are already back in the country have been supported in their reintegration into the labor market, contributing to development. The PIL is a support tool for HonduFuturo beneficiaries when they finish their studies, to support them in the reintegration into the labor market in Honduras. The Foundation serves as a bridge between beneficiaries and companies and institutions wishing to recruit this high-level talent.

10.2.3 Other Social Investments

As part of our social investment, we support the Growing with Diabetes Foundation, a non-profit organization founded in 2018 as an initiative to raise awareness about diabetes in Honduras.

+ USD$ 118,000 invested to date


Through the di erent initiatives, it is sought that the patient and caregivers, can have relevant information that allows them to be empowered and have a greater commitment in their treatment and therefore a better quality of life.

+8,900 people reached

Awareness-raising and sensitization:

To generate a culture attached to awareness and prevention, we continuously broadcast through our channels, unique messages, compelling testimonials to reach our key audiences. In commemoration of the World Diabetes Day, the II edition of the Blue Run «Kilometers for Diabetes» was held to generate in the community a space for sport and the promotion of a healthy family lifestyle.

+5,100 people reached

Diagnosis and prevention:

As a contribution to the community and to avoid the increase in diabetes figures by ensuring early detection of the disease, several diagnosis days were carried out, where blood samples, weight, measurement of the Body Mass Index, height, blood pressure were taken by health professionals who provided care to the attendees.

+650 people reached

10.2.4 Ficohsa Volunteers Transforming Lives

At FFG we have our regional corporate volunteer program, in which our employees and their families participate in di erent activities, with this we promote coexistence and personal and organizational values for the benefit of society and the environment.

In 2022 we benefited more than 43 thousand people from the different communities where we operate, with active participation of 96% of our employees.

Outstanding Activities
Child’s Day Celebration:

Participation of + 1,000 volunteers and benefiting +3,0000 boys and girls.

Ficohsa One Day to Give:

460 seniors benefited in 13 di erent cities where Ficohsa has a presence, delivering more than 4,200 pounds in food rations, as well as cleaning and personal hygiene products.

Solidarity action at the end of the year:

More than 24,300 pounds of food were delivered as part of the international day of human solidarity.