4Sustainability Strategy
4.1 Model of Social Responsibility
With a work history of more than 24 years promoting social investment through quality comprehensive education in the Central American region. We are firmly convinced that investing in education is driving development.
At FFG, we continue to evolve over the years from Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to sustainability and resilience, working hand in hand with our stakeholders, committed to generating economic, social, and environmental value in the communities where we operate; we have confirmed that the best way is when we work together for the welfare of all.
This year we wanted to challenge ourselves internally and as an organization, we work to evolve towards the development and exercise of a culture of sustainability and ESG more solid and that responds entirely to our purpose, seeking to positively impact present and future generations.
Thus, in 2022 we defined our Pillars of Sustainability, Goals, and Commitments as a reflection exercise designed to delineate a solid strategy that guides the Ficohsa Financial Group in its action toward the future.
Evolution from CSR to Sustainability and ESGs
Our ESG Priorities
The ESG criteria are the environmental, social, and corporate governance aspects related to human progress and therefore to the business and financial world to ensure sustainability and ensure a better future for all.
As part of our commitment (G) actions are implemented that seek to positively impact our environment with sustainable practices in operations and responsible and transparent decision-making.
These priorities represent the critical business issues and allow us to mark the lines of action to improve the sustainable performance we have as a Group. In that sense, at the end of 2021 we updated the materiality study in which, through an exhaustive analysis, we identified ESG aspects that require special attention and of which we report.
In turn, this materiality analysis allowed us to improve our contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), identifying those SDGs to which we contribute directly from the sustainability strategy.
We remain committed to the United Nations Global Compact and report through this document the progress we have made (COP) with our business practices based on universal principles that contribute to the construction of a sustainable global market, equitable and inclusive to create more prosperous communities
More details in annexes contribution
to the 10 principles of the United Nations Global Compact
The involvement and commitment of the management team have been essential to generate a positive and sustainable impact on operations.
We have a Regional Committee of Corporate Social Responsibility, chaired by Luis Atala -Executive Vice-President, the committee is responsible for reporting directly to the Board of Directors on progress and promoting the di erent initiatives in each of the four axes of the sustainability model.
Structure of the CSR Regional Committee
We have a Regional Committee of Corporate Social Responsibility, chaired by Luis Atala-Executive Vice President, the committee is responsible for reporting directly to the Board of Directors on the progress and promotion of di erent initiatives in each of the four pillars of the sustainability model.
We reafirm our commitment to continue supporting projects that promote change and development in the countries where we operate, generating well-being and improving the quality of life in the region. The board and senior management are working on the review for the approval of a new sustainability strategy for the group, aimed at meeting global needs in ESG issues.